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Project name     Restoration Project, Abandoned airport area to the center of sustainable agriculture.

Site location       Wang-Yang old airport, Uttaraditr, Thailand

Project area       550 rai

               The current problem is the airports deserted scattered around the world, including Thailand.Becoming deserted areas that are not being used to full capacity. Causing damage to the area as well.The offence has abandoned airport that currently do not use the old airport area is Wang-Yang old airport, Uttaraditr. It’s considering the historical context surrounding the area can conclude that abandoned airport is among the problem in terms of natural resources and unsustainable agricultural use in the future. This area has great potential for development. The improvement and rehabilitation of abandoned airport area will bring benefits to both natural resources and human resources. As well as can be. The projects was selected for restoring abandoned airport area to resume it.

               This can be done by focusing on rehabilitation, to induce the agriculture areas appropriately and sustain by principles of sustainable agriculture and the part of Permaculture.To bring the runway which is large and has a length of in project recovery and utilization of the various response. To-use, agricultural applications such as the use of a water reservoir to be used as a main thoroughfare in the project. It also includes the demolition of the runways so that the forest had a chance to recuperate. In addition, returning to the natural process can also bring in the remaining material from demolition to rotate and recycling in the project, too.

               By the project area has a size of 550 acres of forest and agricultural areas with space available.The community and the space to use the runway in which activities will occur to follow.The duration of the project (Phasing), and season according to agriculture by planning and design area. In consideration of the overall usage of renewable resources in the area and to induce in each phase and sustainability in finally.

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