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Project name        Revitalisation of Bung Ratchanok Park

Site location          Wangthong, Phitsanulok, Thailand

Project area          467 Rai

              Bung Ratchanok was a 4,865 rai lake and wetland on lower Nan river flood plane surrounded by agriculture land. The lake has been bordered with earth dike and concrete road which block the overland flood from agriculture land. The lake has become a marshland with variety of vegetation and wildlife. And now the marshland of Bung Ratchanok is at risk because of inappropriate development which the marsh had to be filled or drained. Bung Ratchanok is losing its function as a large sponge that absorbs the water and reduce the hazard of the flood event and is also losing its function as a habitat and food resource of the ecosystem.

              Bung Ratchanok public park is one of the unsuccessful development on the area. It is 467 rai  public park with currently low usage. According to the site analysis and field surveys, it can come to a conclusion that the site has an identical ecology, the wetland, which is the most diverse ecosystem 
and the park has the potential to support the biodiversity of the wetland and and the potential to be the interpretation centre and new eco-tourism attraction 
that provide community public space with learning facilities to educated local people tourist about fresh water wetlands.

              The design concept is  ‘enhancing the ecosystem’ which includes both human and nature share space and resource. The design proposes to enhance the quality of life by restoring the ecological service  of the wetland as a flood catchment area and wildlife conservation area. 
And the park, along it’s fuction as public space, is proposed to become a wetland park which plays a role as an interpretation center for people appreciation and better understanding of fresh water wetland.
Additional programs area proposed to educated both local citizens of Phitsanulok and tourist such as wetland succession trail, wetland botanical garden, water playground etc. As the physical design such as pond edge and planting, is considered by the identity of fresh water marsh

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