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Project name            Botanical garden and plant genetic conservation project

Site location             Padaengmining ,Tak , Thailand

Project area              2,077 rai

             Due to the zinc mining project area. This will cause problems to the environment and natural resources. It causes the destruction of forest resources and living things,including the impact on quality of life, the well-being of people living around and the quality of water resources flowing through and adjacent to the project. At the end of the mining concession period, mining area should be rehabilitated and developed in order to restore the natural resources in the area of forest reservation. The area of national park is located in the Tak Special Economic Development Zone and has the unique terrain in the area of zinc mining with cutting and blasting mountains. As the result of these, It is suitable to be restored and developed as a botanical garden and plant genetic conservation centre in order to create the potential of the new natural attractions of Mae Sot district, Tak province.​


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