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Project name            Tungsang Park Development Project

Site location              KhonKaenMunicipility, KhonKaen

Project area              1,535 rai

            From history of city’s development and statistice that shownthe change and expand of the city. The increasing demand of city’s space and green space are much more than the past. The increasing of population and housing represent that city’s are expanding.

            From the past until now, Tungsang swamp was lost 50% of area by the development of city. Use as many cause such as residential, government and commercial area. 

           Tungsang Swamp is the 1 of 4 main swamp in Khonkaen municipality area. Tungsang swamp was known as the most opulent biodiversity and largest swamp in Khonkaen. Not only connect the north-east side of the city together with a public park inside the swamp area but also has an important role in city’s drainage system. This project aim to create a larger public park to expand park’s service radius further to serve more people in the area and increasing demand of green space by develop with low impact method to preserve biodiversity that was the site’s original value.

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