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Tai dam cultural conservation village

Project name        Tai dam cultural conservation village

Site location         Nongprong village, Phetchaburi , Thailand

Project area          1,200 rai

             The Tai Dam, who are also known as Black Tai, originated from China. They are a proud people and have a rich cultural heritage. The name “Black” or “Dam” comes from the black skirt that all women wear and they are settled agriculturists who cultivate wet rice.  In terms of communication, they have an oral language and a writing system of their own. They have considerable expertise in textile weaving and basketry. At one time, the Tai Dam also believed in spirits of the soil, water, and rice, the source of fertility and abundant harvests. It seems that the biggest obstacle to the Tai Dam following the God of all Creation.

              The majority of Thai Song people live in Phetchaburi.  They have migrated and settled down in Thailand for more than 200 years and Nongprong village is the first Tai dam village in Thailand. Nowadays, Ministry of Culture want to publish heritage communities in Thailand to be cultural and community-based tourism to preserve their traditions.

              The village is designed under the concept “live museum”. Local people will provide programs and activities that are self-practices and workshops so the tourism can learn from existing culture which surrounded by beautiful nature and cultural landscape.

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