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Project name            Senior Complex Mae-Chan

Site location              Mae-Chan, Chaing Rai , Thailand

Project area              96 rai

            Nowadays, Thailand elderly population has been increasing overtime which caused Thai government to constructed a senior complex policy, the project that aim to create a continuing care retirement community, by appointed the treasury department to assemble the project on 10 areas in 10 provinces around Thailand. The objectives of the project are to improve people’s life quality and stimulate economic through real estate. Moreover, it could reduce government’s expenditure on elderly nursing.

            The increasing of elderly population might be a problem for the society because when the majority of the population is elderly, it caused the lack of force for country development, lack of labor. Thus, International labor is required. Moreover, working international is also popular among Thai workforce causing a lot of elder to be left alone by themselves and not receiving a proper health care which the government is obliged to take care of this important problem no matter how pricey it is.

            The 10 selected project area are at Sri Kam, Mae-Chan, Chiang Rai because Chiang Rai is suitable to be an area for elder housing. The city has unique characteristic with a nice environment, also has an exception for foreigner.

            AGELESS concept is about ‘Elders won’t feel that they’re old. They will get to live their life to their fullest capability while focusing on their liveliness and happiness. The activities are available for them to participate and it was design to support elder usage with the aim to satisfy their needs both physically and mentally. The activities should help the elders to foster and increase the value of life from their perspective, granting them the quality of life they deserve and supporting them to fulfil their goals in their sunset years.’

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