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Project name          Khonkaen Rail Station City Centre Development for Natural Variation Support

Site location           Khonkaen, Thailand

Project area            564 rai

            Owing to its lowland, a major reason of flood in Khonkaen, Thailand. Although there are many man-made lakes in the city, the inundation problem still occurs.  The site is located in city’s detention area.Near future development will be a big interchange station between cross country high-speed rail and local light rail train, right on the site where it will connect international and domestic people on the platform.  Due to the future urbanisation, Khonkaen population will reach up to 620,000 people in 20 years.  This project integrated Blue & Green Infrastructure to the Principle of Transit Oriented Development for the city under concept of Khonkaen Green Interchange.   The 2 systems derived from flow of green space merging the site together makes green network connecting Public Park at different scales. Total green public space will provide up to 560,000 square meters for the future expansion referred to WHO Standard.  Next, the blue system, according to the water management plan, new city’s detention area, citylake, bioswale, and dry-detention pond are implemented.In the process, Detention Pond receives water surface run off from the Bioswale and store in each pond. After that, it will send to the public drainage system.Besides, I design variety of spaces, a Green Infrastructure, which can conduct, and store water surface run off.Eventually, this project will be new prototype of sustainable developing city centre to live with the nature.

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