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Project name        Lamphun - Walkable Historic Town

Site location         Old town, Mueang district, Lamphun province, Thailand

Project area          405 Rai (64.8 ha)

              Lamphun, as known as Hariphunchai in the past, is the historic town more than 1,300 years old. It was established in 663 by Queen Chamadhevi is the first ruler. 630 years later, in 1293, it was besieged and incorporated into Lanna Kingdom. Nevertheless, the momentousness of Hariphunchai is still being the major Buddhism city and influ­encing art and culture to Lanna. Until the early Rattanakosin period (about 1782), the name was changed to “Lamphun Chai”. After Siamese Revolution of 1932, Lamphun Chai and the ruler were abolished and turned into Lamphun province and the governor until now.

               Because of the urban sprawl and improper urban development, the elements of the old town (e.g., moats, city walls, and forts) were destroyed, which causes the old town is devalued.

The objective of this project is to preserve and en­hance the value of historic town, Hariphunchai, and develop to relaxing town, encourage people to use public space more with difference and uniqueness in each area and usage. So the areas are categorised into 2 groups following the main purpose; conservation area, and development area.

               Since Lamphun is small, the important and public ar­eas are close to each other. So the concept is “Lamphun - Walkable Town”, by improving town to suit for walking, decreasing car-usage to reduce the damage to the archae­ological sites. To support walkability, making the pedestrian system complete, rearranging traffic system into one-way, providing car parks instead of parking along the road, encour­aging city bus usage, and connecting green areas to increase urban ecology.

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